Vona Gábor Magyar Péternek: „A választási részvétel erkölcsi kötelesség!”
A Második Reformkor elnöke nyílt levélben szólította fel Magyar Pétert a választáson való részvételre.
Critics of Mr. Orban have portrayed the media law as part of a wider effort by the populist leader to stifle dissent.
„In a speech to parliament on Monday, Hungary's populist prime minister, Viktor Orban, condemned EU criticism of the media law as an unjustified assault on the »dignity of Hungarians«. Mr. Orban said the government had successfully fended off the attack, »made the attackers' reasoning ridiculous [and] demanded and earned respect«. He added: »We don't accept lecturing from any country«. Neelie Kroes, a European Commission vice president, said she was »pleased« by Hungary's decision to rewrite the legislation. She said the commission would closely monitor the country's future actions.